Specialist of Burgundy Oak, established in the heart of Franche Comté, over an area of 100 000 m², of which 35 000 m² under cover, the sawmill Eurochêne offers:
- Quality
Forest oak and beech logs selected according to the market and country-specific requirements, rapid execution at the sawmill in order to preserve the raw material; - Know-how
Sawing accuracy owing to a double-cutting band-saw with slabber, a Grecon with laser detection and digitally-controlled optimisation,
Steaming for uniform coloration of planks
Pre-drying using specific anti-stain sticks
Vacuum drying technique with high capacity dryer adapted to greater thicknesses in addition to the tried and tested technique of variable ventilation drying
High accuracy planing and grooving with a good finish owing to a planing machine turning at 8 000 rpm
Heat treatment in ovens, increasing the natural durability of the wood
12 Route de Miery
39230 SAINT-LOTHAIN, France
Tèl. +33(0)3 84 73 76 50
Fax. +33(0)3 84 37 03 45
Ms Marie-Thérèse CARREY
Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand